Friday, November 11, 2011

November 10th, 2011- Black Thursday

The following is as close to a factual recap of the events occurring on 11/10/11 in and around the Occupy Burlington movement at City Hall Park in Burlington, Vermont. This is neither commentary nor in-depth political analysis. This is merely an attempt at a faithful recap of what occurred during those difficult hours based on the information available to this reporter at the time of this writing.

- At approximately 2pm an occupier of City Hall Park allegedly took his own life with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. At least 2 other occupiers attempted resuscitate him but were unsuccessful. The occupier, known throughout the movement locally (but not immediately to this reporter who has also been occupying), was a 35 year old veteran of the United States armed forces. He is survived by a 2 year old daughter.

- Shortly after the incident investigative police arrived on the scene, cordoned off the majority of the encampment, and began forensic analysis of the tent in which the incident occurred as well as the surrounding area.

- Approximately 4pm, a reporter named Keith McGilvery of WCAX-TV interviewed and deliberately harassed an occupier by insisting to continue a line of inappropriate political questioning that the occupier was repeatedly stated she was uncomfortable with. There is informal but general agreement among the Occupy Burlington movement that McGilvery actions were a gross display of unprofessionalism and a blackening of the trade of journalism.

- 5pm, The Occupy Burlington Movement convenes a General Assembly at City Hall Park to address the events of that afternoon and express the sadness of their tragic loss as well as the outrage at the unacceptable actions of McGilvery and others representing the mass media at City Hall Park.

- Approximately 5:15pm, Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss and Chief of Police Mike Schirling announced to the Occupy Burlington movement that the 35 year old occupier had indeed passed away and informed those gathered around the fountain were they spoke that there would be a meeting at 6pm in City Hall to discuss the matter further.

- 6pm, meeting at Contois Auditorium begins between Occupy Burlington and Mayor Bob Kiss, Chief of Police Mike Schirling, and a commissioner of the Parks and Recreation Department in Burlington.

- Approximately 6:15pm, meeting is interrupted by unconfirmed announcement of the clearing/sealing off of the encampment and the sealing off of the entirety of City Hall Park. A group of occupiers immediately rush outside to intervene and 2 occupiers were quickly placed in handcuffs after questioning the police about their actions. 1 occupier was released upon the orders of the Mayor Kiss, one remained detained and was officially arrested and processed shortly afterwards. The situation reached a near boiling point when during the occupiers attempted intervention several police officers were seen loading and brandishing a variety of weapons with apparent intent of turning them on the non-violent occupiers.

As this is unfolding just beyond the walls of City Hall, Police Chief Schirling remained indoors in an attempt to continue talks with what Occupation participants and supporters had not rushed outside. "We will not be taking down or removing any tents" stated Schirling repeatedly and exhaustedly. Additionally, Schirling stated that any tents or belongings within tents may be retrieved by occupiers immediately on the condition that the tents in question be searched in advance by police investigators.

"The landscape has changed significantly" stated Schirling in response to repeated questions regarding the continuation and/or possible eviction of the occupiers and continually asked the remaining participants in Contois for deference to the police and their ongoing investigation. "My primary concern is public safety, and there is now a big question about in regards to what is happening inside opaque structures such as tents" an increasingly harried Schirling stated.

He was unable to clearly answer several questions about the continuation of the occupation of City Hall Park saying that any protest, demonstrations, and other activities may continue in the park but the continued allowance of tents in the park is now under "serious discussion" between city officials, fueling concerns the occupation will face increasingly inhospitable weather with little or no shelter.

- Approximately 10pm, Occupiers convene an additional General Assembly at the Unitarian Universalist Church at the top of Burlington's Church Street Marketplace. Most Occupiers then returned to City Hall Park for a midnight vigil for the deceased that was held in solidarity by a number of other occupations around the country including Boston.

Other events are being planned at occupations for 11/11/11 as well as the coming week around the United States and around the world as the Occupy movement mourns in solidarity with Burlington, Vermont.

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